
Atelier Studio Associato


Participation in the Expert Group for the HLG Governance Systems Innovation Lab in Brussels, coordinated by the EPPA consultancy (2015-).

Support to the formulation of digital innovation strategies for the City of Palermo, including a LivingLabCamp and an international workshop "Conversations on Innovation" leading to a draft Smart City Strategy in 2012, launch of the Open Data initiative in 2013, and development of a Digital Palermo strategy in 2016.

Various collaborations through FormezPA for the integration of social innovation in the Smart Specialisation strategies for regions in Italy's South (Sicily, Calabria, Basilicata) (2013-2015).

Coordination and editing of a guidebook for Citizen-driven Innovation, a joint effort of the World Bank and the ENoLL European Network of Living Labs (2013-2014).

Design and development of the Stagewear (en) Arteinscena (it) web services for custom-tailored costume and clothing patterns.

With the European Network of Living Labs, Special advisor to the President on issues related to regional innovation strategies and coordination of the "wave" selection process for new Living Labs from 2010 onwards.

Constitution and co-ordination of the Territorial Living Lab TLL Sicily regional partnership, including NExT, the University of Palermo, ARCA and a range of local development actors, for building a “Territorial Living Lab” within the ENoLL European Network of Living Labs (2007- ).

Participation in the International Program Committee of the e-Challenges conference 2015-Vilnius, 2014-Belfast, 2013-Dublin, 2012-Lisbon, 2011-Florence, 2010-Warsaw, 2009-Istanbul, 2008-Stockholm, 2007-the Hague, 2006–Barcellona, 2005-Ljubljana, 2004-Vienna and 2003-Bologna. Organisation of conference workshops on "eDemocracy and Participation" (Bologna, 2003), "eDemocracy and eCitizenship" (Vienna, 2004) and "Living Labs and Regional Development" (Stockholm, 2008).

Participation in the International Program Committee of the Bled eConference 2011-2013, with the organisation of workshops on Living Labs and regional development.

Collaboration with the UN's FAO in a working group exploring the application of the Living Lab method towards rural development (2010).

Constitution and co-ordination of the DEMOsfera (2003-) initiative for the experimentation of new tools and methods of citizen participation in eDemocracy, with the DEMOnews (February 2004-) and DEMOdai (feasibility study) initiatives. With the DEMOsfera group, organization of “Consultative propositions of citizen interest” in conjunction with Primary elections of the Unione for the Candidate for Mayor of Palermo, 2007. Management of the “comitatixrita” website and design and implementation of an innovative system for managing polling station representatives for the 2006 Regional elections (Sicilian Region). Development and experimentation of a web service for “democracy points” and a telematics voting system for Primary Elections for the candidate to President of the Province of Palermo (2002-2003).

Constitution and co-ordination of the Palermo Group of the Club of Rome, for the development of mid-term visions and scenarios for the Euro-Mediterranean area (2003-04).

Management of a free-access, open electronic conferencing system as the basis for participation networks (VOX, Virtual OrganiXation) and a tool for distance group work in local and European initiatives (1995-2006).

initiatives projects

publications projects

partners projects

contact projects

IVA 04352950820
