
Atelier Studio Associato
EU Projects


DG Research H2020 NMP TCBL: Textile and Clothing Business Labs (Project Manager, consultant to the City of Prato (IT), 2015-): development of a network of laboratories for business model innovation to promote the structural transformation of the textile and clothing industry.

DG Environment FP7 Smart Open Data (consultant to ARPA Sicilia (IT), 2015): development and experimentation of a Linked Open Data platform for environmental data, with a pilot project in Sicily for water quality monitoring.

DG Regio TC MED CreativeMED: SME Creativity and Innovation for a MED Space Smart Specialisation Framework (consultant to Consorzio ARCA (IT), 2013-2015): developing an alternative development model to shape regional research and innovation strategies in the 2014-2020 programming period (Smart Specialisation).

DG CONNECT FP7 TELL-ME: Technology Enhanced Learning Livinglab for Manufacturing Environments (consultant to Alfamicro Lda (PT), 2012-2015): integrating the Living Lab model for creativity and innovation into the TEL-based learning methodology and developing the evaluation and impact assessment framework for the TELL-ME service.

CIP ICT PSP Citadel… on the Move (consultant to Alfamicro Lda (PT), 2012-2015): promoting the adoption of Open Data Strategies through participative governance and co-design in four EU pilot cities, including the development and experimentation of the Open Data Commons concept.

DG Regio TC Central Europe CentraLab: Central European Living Lab for Territorial Innovation (consultant to eZavod (SI), 2011- 2014 as well as Informatica Trentina, 2013): transfer of the MedLab model for the integration of the Living Lab approach into regional innovation strategies.

CIP ICT PSP Habitats: Social Validation of INSPIRE Annex III Data Structures in EU Habitats (consultant to the Madonie Park Authority (IT), 2011-2013): coordination of partnership relations and pilot projects co-designing new services for the stewardship and fruition of the Madonie Park environment using INSPIRE standards.

CIP ICT PSP Parterre: Electronic Participation Tools for Spatial Planning and Territorial Development (consultant to the Department of Architecture, University of Palermo (IT), 2011-2013): integration of e-participation tools and methods in spatial planning through the Living Labs approach and impact assessment.

DG INFSO FI-PPP CONCORD: Coordination and Collaboration Facilitation for Next Generation Future Internet Public Private Partnerships (consultant to the European Network of Living Labs (BE), 2011-2012): supporting the integration of the Living Lab approach in projects participating in the Future Internet PPP.

CIP ICT PSP Periphèria: Networked Smart Peripheral Cities for Sustainable Lifestyles (consultant to Alfamicro Lda (PT), 2010-2013): coordination of a Smart City project applying the Living Lab approach to six urban “Arenas” and co-design of city services based on Future Internet technologies.

DG RegioTC MED MedLab: Mediterranean Living Lab for Territorial Innovation (consultant to the Dept. of Territory and Environment, Sicilian Region (IT), 2009-2011 as well as the Development Agency of Larnaca, Cyprus – ANETEL, 2009-2011): coordination of pilot projects for territorial innovation following the Living Lab methodology in spatial planning (Sicily) and tourism (Cyprus) and integration of the Living Lab approach in regional innovation strategies.

DG Regio TC MED SMILIES: Small Mediterranean Insular Light Industries Enhancement and Support (consultant to CRES 2009-2010 then to ARCA, 2011-2012): configuration and animation of the collaboration platform to accompany innovation processes in island SMEs and development of “Trans-local” innovation networks.

DG InfSoc-ICT and Environment ICT-ENSURE (2008-09): policy research and briefing on Personal Information Systems and Quality of Life in the context of environmental sustainability.

DG Regio INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED EcoMeMaq (consultant to COPPEM, 2008): technical assistance and strategic coordination for the development of Ecomuseums of the Mediterranean Maquis.

DG Regio INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED NetWet3 (consultant to the City of Bagheria, 2007-08): technical assistance and coordination of a project for the integrated management of water landscapes; development of a multi-sector, multi-actor Memorandum of Understanding for sustainable development of the Eleuterio River basin.

DG Regio INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED TechNet (consultant to the Dept of Cultural and Environmental Heritage, Sicilian Region, 2007-08): technical assistance and coordination of a project for a new sustainable development model for maritime villages in the Mediterranean; definition of the evaluation framework; editing of the final publication.

DG Regio INTERREG IIIB MEDOCC MEDINS (consultant to the City of Bagheria, 2007-08): technical assistance and coordination of an inter-regional network of Multimedia Laboratories for Mediterranean Immaterial Cultural Heritage; design of an innovative web service for inter-cultural representation based on interoperability of regional databases.

DG Regio INTERREG IIIB MEDOCC PIC-RM (consultant to the Dept of Territory and Environment, Sicilian Region, 2006-2008): technical assistance and coordination of a project developing strategic trans-national projects for territorial management in the Mediterranean; feasibility study of a project on metropolization and immigration processes.

DG Regio INTERREG IIIC PROGRESDEC (consultant to the Dept of Territory and Environment, Sicilian Region, 2006-08): technical assistance and coordination of a Regional Framework Operation for experimenting innovative strategic planning approaches in the context of the ESDP through a set of networked pilot projects; contribution to the strategic conclusions for multi-level territorial governance.

DG Regio INTERREG IIIB MEDOCC MEDISDEC (consultant to the Dept of Territory and Environment, Sicilian Region, 2006-08): technical assistance and coordination in a project for the evaluation of strategic planning instruments foreseen by the ESDP in the Mediterranean context.

DG LIFE-Environment 2004 GECO (consultant to the Dept of Territory and Environment, Sicilian Region, 2005-06): technical assistance and coordination of a project for the recovery of coastal zones and strategic planning for the surrounding areas.

DG Regio INTERREG IIIB MEDOCC URBACOST (consultant to the Dept of Territory and Environment, Sicilian Region, 2004-06): technical assistance and support to animation of local actors in planning processes balancing development pressures between coast and inland.

DG InfSoc-IST NEWTIME (consultant to CRES, 2001-03): mentoring networks of Sicilian micro-businesses in broadband adoption; inter-regional comparative analysis; contributions to a Best Practice Manual.

DG InfSoc-IST SASKIA (consultant to CRES, 2002-03): definition of an R&D roadmap for the European Commission, in order to guide the information society towards sustainable development.

STOA: Scientific and Technological Options Assessment Unit of the General Directorate Research of the European Parliament (2002), by request of the Culture, Youth, Education, Media and Sport Committee of the EP: update of a 1999 study on “Cultural Diversity in the New Media”.

Italian Ministry of Productive Activities (member of a working group coordinated by SGL Logistica, Merzario Group, 2000-02): feasibility study for new models of sustainable logistics for electronic commerce for territorially disperse micro-firms; responsible of the “Local Niche Market Products” sector; development of a new general model for e-logistics.

STOA Unit, European Parliament (2002): Policy Options for the topic “Cultural Diversity and the Information Society”, leading a networked International research team in four EU member states.

DG Regio-TERRA LORE (1997-2001): creation of a network of local spatial planning observatories with pilot projects in Greece (Ikaria, Pelion, Messara) and Sicily (Alcamo, Ragusa), with particular attention to participatory processes for implementation of planning policies.

DGXIII-ACTS ASIS (1998-2000): construction of a Strategic Alliance for a sustainable information society in Sicily and at the European level; communications and promotion direction and collaboration with the virtual public relations office; elaboration of regional scenarios for a sustainable information society in the Mediterranean.

DGIII/DGXIII-ISPO ISIAS (1998-2000): scenarios and simulation models for the integration of information society and sustainable development policies for the City of Alcamo, in parallel with similar actions in four other European regions; design and implementation of a pilot web service for the comparative evaluation of regional strategies for a sustainable information Society.

DGXVI-Art. 10 Culture CIED (1997-99): technical assistance and coordination for the City of Palermo in a network of five European regions evaluating the impact of cultural policies on economic development.

DGXIII-TEN Informs (1996-98): contributions to a Handbook for the uptake of ISDN services in SMEs, with particular attention to the tourism sector; info-seminars in Bagheria and Alcamo in Sicily.

DGXIII-ACTS GAD Concertation Chain (1996-99): Rapporteur for a cluster of advanced research projects concerned with the potential contribution of information technologies to sustainable development; production of three of the eleven Guidelines targeting sector actors.

DGXIII-Telematics AGORA (1996-98): development of a telematics service for SME support organizations, with the creation of a network of over 40 regional support units in 12 Member States of the European Union; development of specific contents and services for the area “Virtual Enterprises”; design and development of a “modular portal” system; production of the Implementation Handbook and SME User Guide for the AGORA Service.

DGXIII-Telematics Deploy (1996-97): analysis of the conditions for the implementation of the information society in areas such as SMEs, rural areas and Universities.

DGXIII-ACTS EPRI-Watch (1995-99): specification of the organizational structure of a multimedia telematics service targeting parliamentarians concerned with information society issues; analysis of European initiatives and policy documents on the topic of the relationship between the information society and sustainable development.

initiatives projects

publications projects

partners projects

contact projects

IVA 04352950820
