
Atelier Studio Associato


Video interviews and presentations

The innovation process in the public sector, interview held in the context of the CLUDs Laboratory’s International Open Panel Discussion on Smart Specialisation, Reggio Calabria, 28 May 2015.

La Smart City del Mediterraneo: creatività e tecnologia, l’esempio di Palermo, interveiw (it) held at Smart City Med, Naples, 28 March, 2014.

The Role of the Public Sector in Promoting Innovation, keynote speech at the 26th Bled eConference, 18 June, 2013.

Who does energy belong to anyway? Talk at TEDxKlagenfurt “Powering up”, 5 October, 2013

On communication and innovation, Interview at @EcoCom2013, Berlin, 8 November, 2013.

Introduction to the Meet the Cities Pecha Kucha, Smart Cities Exhibition SCE2013, 30 October, 2012.

Books, Chapters, Papers

“Textile and Clothing Business Labs” (with D. De Paepe, T. Maschler, F. Wild, E. Ferro, R. Verborgh, E. Mannens and de Walle), paper published at ESWC 2016 EU Networking Sessions, Heraklion (EL), 29 May – 2 June 2016.

Citizen Driven Innovation. A Guidebook for City Mayors and Public Administrations (with J. Eskilenen, A. Garcia, I. Lindy, and A. Muente), book published jointly by the World Bank and the European Network of Living Labs, 2015.

The Citadel Open Data Commons: A new vision for the future of Open Data (with F. Molinari and R. Stocco), publication of the Citadel Project, Alfamicro, 2015.

White Paper: The CreativeMED Model for Smart Specialisation (ed. with contributions from the CreativeMED partnership), published by the ETC MED CreativeMED Project, 2014.

“Urban and Digital Agenda: Opportunities for Socio-digital Innovation” (with F. Molinari, G. Concilio and L. De Bonis), paper published in the proceedings of the SIU2014 Conference, 15-16 May, Milan, 2014.

“Enhancing Creativity and Innovation in Workplaces: A Living Lab Approach” (with F. Molinari and M. Megliola), paper published in the proceedings of the eChallenges2014 Conference, 29-30 October, Belfast, 2014.

“Co-creative, Re-generative Smart Cities” (with L. De Bonis, G. Concilio, E. Leanza and F. Trapani), paper for INPUT 2014, Naples, 4-6 June, 2014, published in a special edition of TeMA, Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment.

CentraLab: User Driven Innovation for Regional Development, publication of the CentraLab Project, Univ. Kosice, 2014.

“Human Smart Cities. A New Vision for Redesigning Urban Community and Citizen’s Life” (with G. Concilio, F. Molinari, and F. Rizzo), paper accepted for publication at the 8th International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS '2013), 7th-9th November, Krakow, Poland.

“Co-creating urban development. A Living Lab for community regeneration in the Second District of Palermo” (with F. Molinari and F. Trapani), in Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2013. Lecture notes In Computer Science, (a cura di) B. Murgante, S. Misra, M. Carlini, C. M. Torre, H. Nguyen, D. Taniar, B. O. Apduhan, O. Gervasi , vol. 7973, Part III, p. 294-308, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2013.

“The living lab approach to codesign solutions for human smart cities: lessons learnt from Periphèria Project” (with G. Concilio, F. Molinari, and F. Rizzo), proceedings of Co-create Conference 2013, 16-19 June, Espoo, Finland.

“Does Privacy have to do with Open Data? Some preliminary reflections – and answers” (with F. Molinari), proceedings of the CEDEM13 Conference, 22-23 May, Krems, Austria.

The Human Smart Cities Cookbook (editor, with contributions from Jean Barrocca, Joaquim Carapeto, Grazia Concilio, Ira Giannakoudaki, Per-Anders Hillgren, Per Linde, Maurizio Megliola, Francesco Molinari, Alvaro Oliveira, Bo Peterson, Alessandra Risso, Francesca Rizzo and Stefan Wellsandt), The Periphèria Project, Milan, 2013.

“HABITATS Project addressing INSPIRE” (with M. López, M. Navarro, and F. Pérez Trejo), in INSPIRE and Social Empowerment for Environmental Sustainability: Results from the HABITATS Project”, TRAGSA, Madrid, 2013.

“Urban Smartness: Perspectives  arising in the Periphèria Project” (with L. De Bonis, G. Concilio, and F. Trapani). Journal  of the Knowledge Economy,  2012.

“Towards a Deep Integration of Socio-Economic Action and Spatial Planning” (with L. De Bonis, G. Concilio and F. Trapani), in. Knowledge, Innovation and Sustainability: Integrating micro & macro perspectives, proceedings of the 7th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics - 5th Knowledge Cities World Summit IFKAD-KCWS 2012, E-Book

“Macro-regional Living Lab Innovation Systems”, in e-Challenges e-2011 Conference Proceedings, IIMC Ltd., Dublin (EI), 2011.

“Living Labs for Promoting Collective Action on Climate Change”, in Climate Change: Communication and Collaboration, Translating Awareness into Collective Action, proceedings of the symposium held at MODUL University, Vienna, 16 June 2010.

“Living Labs and Regional Innovation Policies in the Mediterranean Area” (with A. Garcia, F. Perez Trejo e J. M. Switters) in eChallenges e-2010 Conference Proceedings, IIMC Ltd, Dublin (EI), 2010.

“Regional Partnerships for Living Labs: the Case of Sicily and the MedLab Project” (with M. Agnese, G. Salemi e F. Trapani) in eChallenges e-2009 Conference Proceedings, IIMC Ltd, Dublin (EI), 2009.

La Co-creatività per l’innovazione territoriale: Reti in Sicilia, Italia, l’Europea: innovatori e politici discutono i Living Lab (with G. Salemi and A. Sangiorgi, ed.), procedings of the international MedLab seminar, 2 October, 2009, Palermo, published by the Sicilian Region for the MedLab project.

“MMMedins: Multimedia Laboratories for Intangible Cultural Heritage” (with R. Albergoni, N. Giordano e F. Passantino) in eChallenges e-2009 Conference Proceedings, IIMC Ltd, Dublin (EI), 2009

“ICTs for Sustainable Consumption” (with L. Maurer e K. Tochtermann) in eChallenges e-2009 Conference Proceedings, IIMC Ltd, Dublin (EI), 2009

“Living Labs and Territorial Innovation” in Collaboration and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, IOS Press, Amsterdam (NL), 2008.

“Towards an Intercultural Representation of Mediterranean Intangible Cultural Heritage. An XML Interoperability Framework for Regional ICH Databases” (with F. Passantino), in course of publication in the Official Proceedings of ESIIG2: Second European Summit on Interoperability in the iGovernment, Rome, 20-22 October, 2008.

“New Approaches to Safeguarding Immaterial Heritage: The MEDINS Multimedia Laboratories” (with R. Albergoni), in course of publication by the City of Kalivia (GR)

ORAMARE: Networking Mediterranean Cultures (ed.), Sicilian Region, 2008.

“Les migrations et le processus de métropolisation” in Projets d’initiative commune des régions Méditerranéennes, Région Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur, 2008.

“Web 2.0 : How Emerging Non-Institutions Organise Knowledge”, in Le Patrimoine Culturel immateriel et le Role D’Institutions Publiques dans l’Implementation d’Inventaires, Proceedings of the International Seminar, University of Evora (PT), June 22nd 2007.

“La Strategia di Lisbona e la Pianificazione partecipata”, in URBACOST: Un progetto pilota per la Sicilia centrale, Franco Angeli Milano 2007.

“Sustainable Workstyle Scenarios for Ambient Intelligence” in Innovation and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, IOS Press, Amsterdam (NL), 2005; also published in the proceedings of the seminar “Retroscapes and Futurescapes: Temporal Tensions in Organisations”, Terrasini (IT), 21-23 June 2007.

“Time and Policy in the Information Society” in In Search of Time, Proceedings of the International Conference (ISIDA, Palermo, May 8-10, 2003), F. Orlando 2005.

“Cultural Conflict in the Information Society” in eCulture: The European Perspective: Cultural Policy, Creative Industries, Information Lag, Proceedings from the Round Table Meeting (Zagreb, 24-27 April 2003), Institute for International Relations, Zagreb, 2005

“Demosfera: a Laboratory for eCitizenship in Sicily” (with F. Passantino), in eAdoption and the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, IOS Press, Amsterdam (NL), 2004.

“Diversità culturale vs. identità culturale. La cultura nella pratiche di sviluppo locale sostenibile” (with F. Trapani) in La nuova cultura delle città. Trasformazioni territoriali e impatti sulla società, ed. L. de Bonis, Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Rome, 2003.

“Primary Elections in Palermo: a Case Study” (with F. Passantino), in Building the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies, IOS Press, Amsterdam (NL), 2003.

“Cultural Diversity as Human Capital”, in Challenges and Achievements in E-business and E-work, IOS Press, Amsterdam (NL), 2002, awarded 2nd prize ex-equo as Best Paper at the “e-Business and e-Work” Conference, Prague, October 2002; also published in Communication & Cognition, special number on “Sustainability, Cognition and Communication”, vol 35, nn 1/2, Ghent (BE), 2002 and with the title “Cultural Identity – Diversity versus Consensus” in The European Journal of Teleworking, Vol 8, n. 4, Autumn 2002.

"Cultural Diversity and the Information Society: Policy Options and Technological Issues, PE 297.559/fin.St., European Parliament, Directorate General for Research, Directorate A, The STOA Program, Brussels, July 2001.

“A Sustainable Information Society Strategy for Mediterranea” in Dialoghi nel Mediterraneo: valutazioni e resoconti di piani, politiche ed architetture, Dedalo, 2001.

“Scenarios for a Sustainable Information Society in the Mediterranean Region” in Towards a Sustainable Information Society, European Commission, 2000.

“Information Society and Sustainable Development”, in Il turismo come leva della cooperazione e dello sviluppo regionale nel Mediterraneo, Ediun, Rome, 1999.

“Organisational Theory, Training Methodologies and Interculturality” (with Paola Bartuli), in Research Perspectives on Open Distance Learning, Scienter, Bologna, 1998.

“La technicisation de l’enseignement et le programme DELTA” (with Patrick O’Mahony) in Technologies de l’information et Société, Volume 7 N. 1, Dunod, Montrouge (France), 1995.

"Teleworking Services for Small Professional Enterprises”, in The European Journal of Teleworking, Volume 3 No. 1, Addico Cornix, Penzance UK, 1995.

'"The Integration of Advanced Learning Technologies in Corporate Training Activities” (with R. Grande and G. Sala), in Learning Technology in the European Communities, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (NL), 1992.

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